Full Body Sanitizer !!!!!

Welcome !!!

Back In School/college, learned and asked to implement hygiene, sanitation.

Now Its a Need !!! to stay alive.


Full body sanitizer

Let's talk about precautions that we have to take during and after the pandemic too.

With the growing technology, finally a questions comes up..how many times we have to wash our hands in a day or apply Sanitizer if we are at outside ,for living simple life . This much struggle !!!!!!

So then there will be always fear at all places @malls ,cinema hall,office,functions,parties.

According to survey , In a hospital for bed ridden patients to control the hygine in hospital full body Sanitizer technology used.

So,this gental formula is enriched with aloe vera and no skin drying alcohol.

The moment when we feel we need to clean up body before entering office just not to infect any other human.

The nanotechnology is the Elimishield SPORT  odor control spray is originally developed for disease and infect control.Its also used for athletic.

Stay Safe !!!!! stay Clean!!!


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